Sunday, November 18, 2007

Alissa and Arlene Visit - Nov 2 & 3

Alissa and Arlene came for a visit on the weekend of the Nov 2 & 3. Alissa had an interview at St Francis University in Fort Wayne on Saturday, so they drove down on Friday and stayed at our house. It was great to see them! Arlene and I hung out on Saturday while Alissa went to her interview.

Alissa got in, of course, but she is waiting to see if she will get into Iowa, La Cross, or Madison before she accepts. It would be super cool for Alissa to be so close, but then she would have to be away from her soon to be husband Seth.

On a happy note, we finally found Godparents for Fila and Dora. As you can see by the picture below, Auntie Arlene was a major hit with the dogs (especially Dora). Arlene has agreed to be Dora's Godmother and Alissa has agreed to be Fila's Godmother. Now I know I can die and everything will be as it should be. That way, the girls will still get to see each other every now and again...they truly are a pair and it would be a shame to split them up.

Group photo...Dora sneaks a kiss on Arlene.Alissa and Ian
Arlene and Ian

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